Angeline Chan

  • A.Mus.A
  • B. Actuarial Studies
  • B. Commerce
  • AIAA

I have been providing private piano and flute tuition to children for about 16 years. Most students are entered into the Australian Music Examination Board (AMEB) exams; student results range from A+ to B.


  • 1999: Music Captain at Canberra Girls’ Grammar School, Prize for Leadership in Music, The Annual Canberra Symphony Orchestra Prize for the Outstanding Orchestral Musician 1999
  • Accompanist for years 11 & 12 music students at Canberra Girls' Grammar for a number of years.
  • Studied Advance Music Program at the Canberra School of Music - Australian National University (ANU)
  • 1997: Performed and interviewed live on ABC radio to promote the Yamaha Piano Competition
  • Received Flute Scholarships from the Canberra School of Music (ANU) studying with world renowned flutists.
Opposite Chatswood Public School
Chatswood, NSW


Details last updated: February 12, 2024