Caroline Ng

  • MEd.
  • BA(Hon) in Music (Performance/Pedagogy)
  • Piano Instructor of Hong Kong International Institute of Music
  • Lecturer of Hong Kong Design Institute
  • Recipient of “Teacher’s Award”
  • Senior Registered Member of TMTA
  • 教育碩士
  • 榮譽音樂文學士 (演奏及教學法)
  • 香港國際音樂學校鋼琴導師
  • 香港知專設計學院講師
  • 獲頒「傑出鋼琴導師」
  • 澳洲塔斯馬尼亞音樂教師協會高級註冊會員

Carol Ng, the founder of CAROL NG’S MUSIC, a teacher of the WunderKeys Piano for Preschoolers (Age 3-5) and the recipient of “Teacher’s Award”, has been thriving at cultivating a population of music lovers for the last seventeen years. Besides teaching music major students at the Hong Kong International Institute of Music, Carol has performed in a number of performances in the United States and Europe as well as directed more than a hundred of music performances.

When Carol was studying her Bachelor of Arts (Hon) in Music, she was under the tutelage of the piano pedagogue, Dr Phyllis Kao, and the former principal horn of the Hong Kong Philharmonic Orchestra, Mr Mark Vines. She later further studied with the renowned pianist, Mr Raymond Young. Deeply influenced by her music teachers, Carol majored in child and adolescent development for her Master of Education.

CAROL NG’S MUSIC專業教授鋼琴、圓號及樂理,並獨家開辦Wunderkeys音樂啟蒙課程,同時提供現場樂隊Live Band服務。創校老師Miss Carol投身音樂教育十六年,曾教授香港國際音樂學校音樂系學生鋼琴,亦曾到訪歐美多國演出交流,並為逾百場婚禮、開幕禮、典禮、派對及廣告等監製表演,及後又獲頒「傑出鋼琴導師」殊榮。Miss Carol師承鋼琴教育家高舒教授,亦曾受教於著名鋼琴家楊習禮先生,除彈奏鋼琴外,Miss Carol 曾得到多位國際級大師指導,包括任教University of Cincinnati的 Randy Gardner 及前香港管絃樂團首席樂手Mark Vines 等。Miss Carol 先後修畢榮譽音樂文學士(演奏及教學法)及教育碩士(幼兒及青少年發展),現於太古開設私人教室,採用符合考試標準之Yamaha 三角琴教學,傾力培育小荳芽成為音樂新世代。

9 Pembroke Road, Marsfield
Marsfield, NSW
Kensington Road, Kensington Gardens
Adelaide, SA
Also travelling in the local area
Grosvenor Street
Sandy Bay, TAS
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Details last updated: January 1, 2024