Online Singing lessons

Styles Pop, Rock, Jazz, Musical Theatre
Skill Level Beginner to Advanced
Pricing $45

Become a part of my Music School community

All Exam styles taught/recorded/submitted
Perform your exam pieces at our Monthly Online Open Mic Nights
FaceBook students group to share audition tips and dates and ensemble opportunities
40% discount on TomPlay digital sheet Music app
Free Tuesday night online Music Theory class

I have worked alongside the Royal College of Music in the UK and The Juilliard School in New York. I am a registered Australian and UK school teacher with annual Police certification

Frenchs Forest, NSW
Travelling in the local area
Brisbane, QLD
Travelling in the local area
Perth, WA
Travelling in the local area
Mudgee, NSW
Travelling in the local area
Darwin, NT
Travelling in the local area
Adelaide, SA
Travelling in the local area

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Details last updated: January 18, 2022