Follow your heart, never give up on yourself and pursue your dreams!
If you have a need for more confidence and training to pursue your singing career, be courageous and take the next step.
If you have always wanted to give singing a go, It is never too late.
Linda believes that singing should be fun and will endeavor to meet each student at their point of need. She welcomes beginners, the more advanced students looking to pursue a career in the Industry and those just wanting to sing for the love of it!
Linda works from her private studio and teaches both contemporary /classical singing techniques to her students.
She is an experienced singing teacher, singer - songwriter, dance instructor, actor and performer.
Linda has performed professionally at various venues around Melbourne such as the International Jazz Festival, local cafes, St Kilda Yacht Club, The Mind Body & Spirit Festival and the National Theatre.
She has appeared in numerous television programs such as Blue Healers, Neighbours and the Slim Dusty movie and has also had interviews and air play on community radio stations Knox FM & ECBFM for her original compositions.
In addition to Linda teaching singing at her private studio, she also teaches singing at various Primary Schools, Adult Learning Centres and Neighbourhood Houses.
Linda is a member of APPRA/AMCOS, MEAA and holds a current WWCC.
Details last updated: September 21, 2024