I have been playing the accordion since the age of 8 and enjoy teaching anyone who loves music and wants to learn this incredible instrument. The accordion is my passion and I am accomplished enough for people to take notice and enjoy my performances. I was taught by the world famous Enzo Toppano who was an incredible accordion virtuoso. My teaching style focuses on having fun with music rather than concentrating constantly on theory. Helping the student to play a song with feeling and expression is a key outcome. I do travel the world from May to September so please take that into consideration if you wish to have lessons with me. My facebook page is Sam the Accordionist: https://www.facebook.com/samtheaccordionist?paipv=0&eav=AfabzsqI6MvFUSLnB_NDhq7Tvj0zQrez3pirNx8NBeUn6LN56zlmkD0K7yr7727aC1k&_rdr
Details last updated: April 19, 2024