Jitterbugs Music Course (2 year olds)

Group Size Groups of up to 10 participants
Styles Group music classes
Skill Level Beginner
Suitability Ages 2 to 3 years
Pricing $13.50/30-minute lesson + course book ($39.95)

Our Jitterbugs have fun singing, playing percussion, making craft, listening to story time, learning social skills and bonding with their parent/carer. The course includes musical movement and other activities to assist in developing gross motor skills.

Original course music is used to accompany our weekly themes, centered around early childhood concepts such as; colours, numbers, animals and shapes.

Children must be 2 years of age, at the time of enrolment. We enrol Jitterbugs, at any time during the year.

Level 1
35 Norton Street
Leichhardt, NSW
Contact Mara Nicola

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Details last updated: June 14, 2019