Little Beebopper Music Course (3 year olds)

Group Size Groups of up to 10 participants
Styles Group music classes
Skill Level Beginner
Suitability Ages 3 to 4 years
Pricing $19.00/45-minute lesson + course book ($38.00)

Our Beebopper Music Course introduces children to early music concepts, such as the treble & bass, singing to develop pitch (Doh-Reh-Mi), read/clap/play percussion to written rhythms, and action & movement to develop gross and fine motor skills.

Students also complete weekly worksheets in their course book, to reinforce musical concepts.

Each lesson has a theme (e.g. bear week, the beach) where students each bring something for show & tell. We also sing the song, in relation to the theme.

We enrol Beeboppers at anytime, during the year. Children must be 3 years of age, at the start of the year, to join this course.

Level 1
35 Norton Street
Leichhardt, NSW
Contact Mara Nicola

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Details last updated: June 14, 2019