Cello Lessons

For a list of teachers endorsed by our organisation, please visit our website at www.musicteacherswa.org.au and click the 'find a teacher' link on our homepage.

On the next page that opens, click the icon for the instrumental genre in which you are interested.

From there, you'll be taken to a search page. Type your chosen instrument into the first box but leave the suburbs or regions box blank. (We currently have a glitch on our website and typing your suburb into the box will draw an inaccurate result. We are in the process of rectifying this and hope to have it corrected soon.)

Click the 'Search' button at the bottom of the page and you will get a list of all of our available teachers, grouped by area. Please scroll through the list until you find a teacher close to you.

All of our represented teachers are qualified or in the process of qualifying and hold current Working With Children cards.

We provide regular professional development, mentoring and support for our teachers as well as performance opportunities for their students. All of our teacher members receive a monthly news bulletin and will shortly have personal access to a new upgraded website with facility for creating their own page.

For personal assistance, our office hours are 9am to 1pm Monday, Wednesday and Friday excepting the first Wednesday of each month - telephone 9470 5595.

Victoria Park, WA

Find others who offer Cello Lessons in Perth

Details last updated: February 11, 2013